Kerry embarked on her journey in the field of massage therapy back in 2001. At the time, she had intended to enroll in a naturopathy course; however, due to a full roster, she found herself fortunate enough to secure a place in an introductory massage subject. From the very first class, Kerry developed an unwavering fascination with the intricate workings of the musculoskeletal system. This initial intrigue, coupled with the profound therapeutic effects that massage can offer, including pain relief, relaxation, and enhanced functionality, has continued to fuel Kerry's dedication to her profession.

In 2016, Kerry returned to study at MIMT and became a myotherapist. Having accumulated substantial experience working alongside Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, osteopaths, and physiotherapists, she embarked on a new challenge: establishing her own allied health clinic in Williamstown. Over the course of the past three years, The Health Sanctuary has flourished, with a core focus on fostering meaningful connections among practitioners, clients, and the local community.

Kerry's commitment extends beyond merely alleviating pain; she is deeply passionate about identifying the root causes of discomfort and providing clients with preventative measures to reduce their reliance on treatment while promoting self-management. Through her expertise in myotherapy and remedial massage, she endeavors to empower individuals to take charge of their well-being. She has a special interest in pregnancy and post natal massage and has completed work with Suzanna Yates and previously worked with other pregnancy focused allied health practitioner groups.

Professional Affiliations and Roles:

  • Member of Massage and Myotherapy Australia

  • Director of The Health Sanctuary

  • Member of the National Herbalist Association of Australia

Beyond her professional pursuits, you'll often hear Kerry talk about her next scuba diving expedition, her love for swimming, or sharing valuable health tips. Her keen interest in optimising health within our fast-paced lives, ultimately enhancing both physical function and mental well-being, underscores her commitment to holistic wellness.